Summer 2022


Conferences & Events


Making Memories: 
Snaps from EMBC'22 Available


Thanks to all who attended the 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference held in Glasgow, United Kingdom in July.  Photos are available for previewing or download at no charge!


Plenary Speakers Announced: 
MNM'22 | 5-9 December 2022 | Hawaii, USA


5th biennial Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine conference, development and application of micro-and nanoscale technologies. Plenaries: Nancy L. Allbritton, University of Washington, Dino Di Carlo, UCLA, John A. Rogers, Northwestern University, Amy Herr, UC Berkley


Dates Announced: NER'23
25-28 April 2023
Baltimore, USA


11th IEEE/EMBS International Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)
25-28 April 2023, Baltimore, MD, USA
Look for announcements soon about a call for papers, great speakers, inspiring researchers, and great networking.


Paper Submission Open: ISBI'23
18-21 April 2022
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia


20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 18-21 April 2022, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia focuses on the mathematical, algorithmic, and computational aspects of biological and biomedical imaging, across all scales of observation.


Registration is Open: GHTC'22
8-11 September 2022
Santa Clara University, CA, USA


IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference is a flagship international conference supporting achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), bringing together people working on the application of technology to addressing critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world.


Still Time to Register: BHI-BSN'22
27-30 September 2022
Ioannina, Greece


The IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics and the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks focuses on informatics and computing in healthcare and life sciences, and the deployment of informatics solutions that integrate key technologies to achieve patient-centric and outcome-driven effective health care.


Additional Upcoming 2023 & 2024 EMB Events will be announced soon!




Call for Submissions:
OJEMB Special Issue on
Conformable Decoders


We would like to encourage our esteemed colleagues to contribute their excellent work in this field to demonstrate its great potential to reshape everyday life moving forward. 


Call for Submissions: OJEMB Special Issue on Special Issue on Technologies to Diagnose, Monitor, and Treat Long-COVID


Both wide-ranging, covering technologies spanning diagnosing, monitoring, and treating, and inter-disciplinary, bringing together technologists with clinicians and user stakeholders to understand to understand current state and future needs. Deadline for paper submission: 
18 September 2022  



COVID-19 in Animals: What to fear and what to learn

Recent studies have raised concerns that the COVID-19 virus could spread within infected animal populations, potentially accumulate mutations that might enhance transmissibility and/or virulence, and then return back to people as dangerous, possibly vaccine-evading variants. Besides providing insight into the current pandemic, a better understanding of transmission within animal species, and of interspecies transmissions (collectively called spillover) can aid preparations for the next human pandemic. This is where biomedical researchers can put their skills to work.


News from the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Community & Beyond


AdCom Election:
Your Vote Counts!


Cast your vote for the 2022 IEEE EMB Society AdCom Election eBallot Open Until 31 August 2022,  4:00 PM (GMT-05:00) EST. Please note: You will need your IEEE Account username/password to access the ballot. If you do not remember your password, you may retrieve it on the voter login page.


Announcement: NIH Funding Opportunity


This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for team-centric development and validation of innovative non-invasive imaging technologies that could have a transformative impact on the study of brain function/connectivity. Applications are expected to turn a novel concept into a functional prototype using this phased grant mechanism. 


Do you have a compelling story or event to highlight? Please submit your news below or contact Nancy Zimmerman via [email protected].




In Case You Missed It: Encore Presentation
EMB Original Documentary: Exploring the Connection Between Brain, Mind and Body


In the latest EMB Documentary, "Exploring the Connection Between Brain, Mind and Body"
by Terry Sejnowski, PhD, Francis Crick Professor, The Salk Institute; Distinguished Professor, UC San Diego, Maryam Shanechi, PhD, Assoc. Prof. and Viterbi Early Career Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Duygu Kuzum, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, Holly Jimison, PhD, FACMI, Prof., Computer Science; Prof., Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Gert Cauwenberghs, PhD, Professor of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego.


Do you have a compelling story, article or event to highlight? Please submit your idea below.


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