About the IEEE Systems Council Newsletter:
Engineers today start their careers with excellent technical skills and subject matter. The Systems Council Newsletter includes time sensitive news useful to its participants and highlights content of the current issue of the IEEE Systems Journal.
Dear Member of the IEEE Systems Council Community,
The pandemic is still hitting in many areas of the world and many people are still suffering a lot. I hope that you and your families and friends are doing fine, and I really hope that the virus will be defeated soon all over the world and we can go back to our normal life, having learned many lessons from this terrible experience. We still need to be careful with traveling and meetings in person to care for fragile people who are around us, but we experimented and learned how to use technology for continuing to disseminate knowledge and maintain a minimum of personal networking and interaction. Together we can make the difference.
Please visit our website frequently for detailed information about our mission, vision, goals, conferences, technical events, publications, educational activities, activities for industry professionals, members activities, awards, local technical activities in Chapters, and much, much more. We revised our website to facilitate searching: if you would like to suggest further improvements, please feel free to contact me.
Our newsletter, published quarterly, will help you to remain updated on our activities as well as other information relevant for our field. I hope you find this newsletter valuable to you. Past issues can be found on our website.
For more information about the various competencies and interests available through the Societies that participate in our Council, please see the complete list of participating Societies and their area of expertise on our website. We established new Technical Committees to address the needs of our community and we will continue addressing new areas in our field to better serve our scientific and professional community; please visit the website for the current list of Technical Committees. We are reaching out to our scientific and professional community in Asia as well as in Africa and the Middle East in a more structured way, especially by planning for conferences in the next year: please look for more conferences on the website.
We are continuously working on our new life-long educational program in the area of systems, complex systems, systems of systems, and systems engineering, including tutorials and lectures from distinguished speakers, and study cases. If you have suggestions for topics, please let me know.
We are expanding the services to the local communities with more Chapters, joint Chapters, and Student Branch Chapters and more distinguished talks of local experts to better serve each and every one of you. If you are interested in establishing a new Chapter or Student Branch Chapter, please let me know: we will be happy to help in the process. We are also restructuring and refocusing our activities for members of our community, addressing the emerging needs for more networking opportunities and support to underserved groups and geographical areas. Inclusivity is one of our major priorities and we created a committee focusing on promoting and monitoring diversity and inclusion: you are welcome to contact me if you have any suggestions.
If you have any other comments, suggestions, recommendations, or criticisms, please do not hesitate to contact me. Everyone can help in continuously improving our technical activities: we aim to continue to have live activities for our live community. With you, we strive to serve our community. Join us to make a difference in the world!
Looking forward to working with you for the benefit of our scientific and professional community and the entire humanity! Ciao, Vin
Vincenzo Piuri President, IEEE Systems Council
The Systems Council has launched its Women in Systems Engineering (WiSE) page and features interviews with the following:
Chantelle Dubois, Canadian Space Agency
What do you find interesting or exciting about working in the field of systems science and systems engineering? I find systems engineering interesting because, no matter what domain you work in, every engineering project needs (or could use) a systems engineer (or many). The process and skills won't differ that much, even if the quirks of the project do. Space systems engineering, as a process, probably looks a lot like agriculture systems engineering, and so on. What I think makes systems engineering exciting, is that in my experience you meet other systems engineers who often simultaneously have really deep domain knowledge, but now are applying it in a systems way to support a project. I love seeing how that intersection changes your perspective on engineering problems and the solutions that you come up with. It's moving from the micro-details to the macro-details.
Humna Hassan Malik, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
What’s the one piece of advice you would give to a young person just starting out in their career? I would advise anyone who plans to pursue Systems Engineering to complete an engineering degree of a chosen discipline to obtain the necessary technical skills and experience while building strong leadership skills at the same time. As a Systems Engineer, it is essential to understand and contribute to the project’s technical detail while keeping the big picture and strategy in mind. Interpersonal skills are equally crucial as it is imperative to build a strong relationship with the project teams as the project’s success relies on the contribution from the various disciplines.
You can read the full interviews and more on our website.
Help us share your story to motivate women to consider Systems Engineering as their area of study and career by contacting WiSE Chair, Holly Handley.
The Women in Systems Engineering (WISE), partnered with the Human Systems Integration (HSI) Technical Committee, hosted a Professional Development Hour on 20 May.
Four speakers gave their insights on the topic of "How Do I Act as a Mentor?" Many of us have been asked to be mentors, but few of us know what that really means:
- Dr. Charlotte Farmer talked about her experience from creating a mentoring program. Dr. Farmer is the Operations Director for MITRE Corporation’s Enterprise Computing, Information, and Security business unit.
- Ms. Clair Dorsey discussed establishing rapport and getting started with mentees. Ms. Dorsey is the Manager for Corporate Outreach and Student Engagement at Christopher Newport University.
- Dr. Ariel Pinto gave insights on mentoring graduate students. Dr. Pinto is an Associate Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at Old Dominion University.
- In contrast, Ms. Jessica Dirks discussed the challenges of mentoring younger students. Ms. Dirks is a Program Manager with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
The question-and-answer period at the end of the presentations quickly ran out of time, as the audience engaged the speakers with thoughtful follow up questions and personal experiences with mentoring.
Thanks to the presenters and the attendees for making the professional development hour a success! - Holly Handley, WISE Chair
On 21 July, IEEE Fellow and Systems Council Distinguished Lecturer, Paul Hershey, presented the virtual webinar titled, "Application of Data Analytics to Assist Human Decision-Making." The webinar was recorded and is available to watch on our website.
If you would like to request a Distinguished Lecturer at your next meeting or Chapter event, fill out the online form. If you would like to learn more about the Council’s DL program or have questions, visit our website.
Watch the webinar recording here.
Do you know colleagues that are eligible for elevation to IEEE Senior Member grade? If so, please consider nominating them as candidates. Here’s how:
- Sign in with your IEEE Account
- Go to the Member Grade Elevation page
- Click on the link "Individuals may apply for Senior Member grade online"
- Click on the link "BEGIN NOMINATION PROCESS" and follow the instructions to nominate a candidate.
The process is quick and easy. In June, Walt Downing, Senior Member Committee Chair, nominated seven candidates that were elevated to senior member grade effective 2 July 2021. If you would like to recognize one of your peers and need guidance or assistance, please contact Walt Downing.
The Systems Council offers opportunities for members to participate in Technical Committees in several technical fields-of-interest related to Systems Engineering. The Technical Committees hold meetings throughout the world, typically where conferences relevant to their technical interests are taking place. The creation of IEEE standards and the support of IEEE conferences are also major objectives of Technical Committees.
We are thrilled to announce the following new TCs:
On 25 March, HSITC hosted a successful doctoral student presentation virtual webinar via. Six PhD students from Old Dominion University (Norfolk, Virginia, USA) gave “sprint” presentations of their doctoral research. The topics included blockchain technology, big data analytics, cybersecure behaviors and more. Feedback from the students indicated that the questions posed were helpful in further defining and communicating their research. Thank you to the student presenters and the committee members who attended for making the webinar a success!
If you are interested in learning more about HSITC please visit the website or contact TC Chairs Steve Doskey and Phil Barry.
It is with great sadness to let you know that our distinguished colleague and friend Ferial El-Hawary passed away on Thursday, 6 May 2021.
Her excellence was recognized with the grade of IEEE Fellow. Ferial was a devoted IEEE volunteer for over 30 years and served in many IEEE capacities, including IEEE Board of Directors, Board MGA, and Honorary Membership Committee. She was very active in the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and the IEEE Systems Council, for which she was a governing body member. Her leadership and spirit will be missed deeply. Our condolences are with her family.
The IEEE Bangalore Section virtually hosted IEEE CONECCT 2021, the flagship conference of IEEE Bangalore Section, on 9-11 July. The section’s Systems Council Chapter set up a specific track titled “Systems Science & Engineering” in this conference. Dr. Yogananda Jeppu, Honeywell, chaired the track. From all the paper submissions received for this track, nine papers were selected and presented at the conference. The paper entitled “From Informal System Requirements to Formal Software Specifications - An Experience Report” received the Best Track #13 Paper Award.
The Chapter rolled out a member-wide survey to better understand areas of interest and engagement amongst members. Based on survey responses, a virtual Tech Talk series will be planned in the coming months as a part of Chapter activities.
Please help us welcome our newest Chapters to the Systems Council:
- IEEE Lone Star Section Chapter (Region 5) chaired by Chris Camargo
- IEEE Montreal Section Chapter (Region 7) chaired by Fabrice Labeau
- Vardhaman College of Engineering-Shamshabad (Region 10) chaired by Sai Prasahanth
The Council provides technical and financial support to its Chapters for organizing events during the calendar year. To request funding or a Distinguished Lecturer or to learn more about the resources available to your chapter, please visit our website. Additional volunteer resources can be found here.
If you are interested in learning more about our chapters or starting a new Systems Council Chapter or hosting a chapter event, please contact Fabrice Labeau, Chapter Chair.
The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority. IEEE ISSE 2021 will now be held as a virtual conference, to be held 13 September – 13 October, 2021.
We will be offering virtual presentations by all of our ISSE 2021 authors and plenary speakers. The papers of all approved authors will be sent to IEEE with intent to publish in the IEEE Xplore Library, and the presentations of all who present virtually will be available on the conference website.
International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE) 2021. RASSE 2021 will be held virtually 7-9 November. Registration fees and the most up-to-date announcements can be found on the conference website. Registration will be announced on the website.
The deadlines to submit papers, Special Session Proposals, and Ph.D. Forum submissions has been extended to 31 August 2021.
Save the Date! The 2022 IEEE International Systems Conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 25-28 April, 2022. SYSCON caters to both practitioners and academics, providing a forum to exchange ideas and experiences on technology, methodology, applications, study cases, and practical experiences.
Important Dates: Special Session Submissions Deadline - 3 September 2021 Acceptance Notification for Special Session Submissions - 17 September 2021 Tutorial Submissions Deadline - 1 October 2021 Abstract and Full Paper Submissions Deadline - 22 October 2021 Acceptance Notification - 12 January 2022 Full Manuscript and Early Registration - 24 February 2022
Visit the conference website for the call for papers, submission information, and info.
The IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ) is the technical journal of the IEEE Systems Council. This publication provides a systems-level, focused forum for application-oriented manuscripts that address complex systems and system-of-systems of national and global significance.
Top 5 Most Accessed Systems Journal Articles | June 2021
(as of 30 July)
Top 5 Most Accessed J-MASS Articles | June 2021
(as of 30 July)
IEEE J-MASS is excited to announce its latest Editor-in-Chief, Kim Fowler, as of July 2021. Please help us in congratulating Kim on his new role.
For more information, please visit our website or contact Kim Fowler.
The IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc) invites nominations for the positions of Editor-in-Chiefs for Transactions on Consumer Electronics (TCE) & Consumer Electronics Magazine (CEM) & CTSoc World for a 2-year term and are renewable for an additional two years. The term of appointment will start on 1 July 2021. At the time of appointment, the successful applicant must be a member of the IEEE CTSoc. The positions are currently open. The term will end on 1 June 2023.
Learn more about CTSoc conferences, awards, chapters, publications and more here.
2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics October 17-20, 2021 | Virtual Conference
2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference November 1-2, 2021 | California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA
9th Annual SERC Doctoral Students Forum and the 13th Annual SERC Sponsor Research Review November 2-4, 2021 | Washington, DC, USA
2021 International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) November 15-18, 2021 | Virtual Conference | Call for Papers
2022 IEEE Radar Conference
March 21-15, 2021 | New York, NY, USA | Call for Papers *Please note that deadlines and schedules are about one month earlier than usual.