Dear SSIT Members,
We are happy to present the July issue of SSIT’s Newsletter, which includes introductions (meet the incoming Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine), announcements (New books! Recent lectures!), reminders (be sure to register for ISTAS23 by 31 July!), and calls for volunteer engagement (Run for election to the SSIT Board of Governors! Volunteer with SSIT’s Technical Activities Committee!).
In addition, the publications updates include links to June special issues of both IEEE Technology and Society Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, and you’ll find info in the conferences section on several upcoming events that should be of interest to many SSIT members.
As always, we invite submissions of content for inclusion in future newsletters. We welcome announcements for and reports on local Chapter meetings, events, or outreach activities; in addition, we would love to hear about upcoming events, webinars, and conferences relevant to SSIT members.
Please send proposed content via email to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions for the next issue, which will come out in September, is 14 August 2023.
Best wishes to you all.
Heather Love (IEEE SSIT Newsletter Editor in Chief) Shannon Lodoen (IEEE SSIT Newsletter Associate Editor)
Submitted by Terri Bookman
Ketra A. Schmitt, Associate Professor in the Centre for Engineering in Society at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has been appointed incoming Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (TSM) starting 1 January 2024. TSM, with a rich, award-winning history since 1982, is the flagship publication of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology.
Schmitt joins an illustrious roster of past and current EIC’s who have guided the publication as an IEEE-based forum for discussion of the impacts of technology on society.
Dr. Schmitt’s work applies her expertise in engineering and public policy to problems at the intersection of technology, governance and human behavior. She trains graduate and undergraduate students to apply systems modeling techniques to policy issues with significant scientific and social uncertainty. Her research has been funded by NSERC, FQRSC, Natural Resources Canada, Public Safety Canada, Global Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence. Her work applying systems methods and agent-based models has been used to inform policy for federal agencies in Canada and the US on topics ranging from social media and environmental protection to governance, defence, and terrorism.
The second three-year term of the current EIC of TSM, Professor Jeremy Pitt of Imperial College London, U.K., ends at the end of 2023. “I am delighted to be handing over the ‘editorial baton’ to someone with Ketra’s knowledge, enthusiasm and vision,” said Pitt. “Her own inter-disciplinary research and experience are both fascinating and a perfect fit for the task ahead. I am very much looking forward to the progression of the magazine under her leadership, and I am sure that with her assured guidance it will continue to go from strength to strength.”
This announcement is an excerpt from Terri Bookman’s article in the June issue of TSM. To read the full article, click here.
Submitted by Miriam Cunningham
IEEE ISTAS 2023 takes place at Swansea University, Wales from 13 - 15 September. IEEE ISTAS 2023 is the flagship conference of IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). The theme of IEEE ISTAS 2023 is "Technology and Analytics for Global Development." IEEE ISTAS 2023 is technical co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8, IEEE UK and Ireland Section, IEEE UK and Ireland SSIT Chapter and IEEE UK and Ireland Education Chapter, and is supported by the School of Management, Swansea University.
Lower Registration Rates Until 31 July We invite you to register by 31 July to take advantage of lower rates available to all attendees. Please click here for more details.
IEEE ISTAS 2023 Advance Programme Available Now The IEEE ISTAS 2023 Program incorporates a mix of keynote presentations, paper sessions, workshops and interactive panels, which are aligned with SSIT's Technical Activities.
Click here to download the Advance Programme.
Keynote Presentations include: Cycles of Development and Artificial Intelligence in Systems of Survival, Prof. Sajda Qureshi, University of Nebraska The Role of Engineering and Technological Innovation in Addressing Societal Challenges, Miriam Cunningham, IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board Mobile Payment App Use for Digital Financial Inclusion: Affordances, Constraints, and Cross-country Cultural Influences, Prof. Raghav Rao, University of Texas at San Antonio Navigating Tensions between Indigenous Communities and Global Development Partners: Reflections on 25 Years of Fieldwork in East Africa, Mr. Abdalla Badhrus, Muslim Education & Welfare Association, Kenya
Plenary Panels include: IEEE Societies: Addressing Climate Change Challenges (13 September) Moderator: Luis Kun, President, IEEE SSIT Description: The IEEE is currently working in multiple areas to deal with climate change. Some of these efforts include: Electrification of the transportation infrastructure which is one of the most promising solutions to reducing carbon emissions; hydrogen as a viable fuel source. Many are calling for hydrogen to be part of future energy sources; the use of distributed energy resources (DERs) and microgrids is integral to providing a flexible and resilient energy system that can help meet the growing demand for clean energy. Panelists include:
- Saifur Rahman, President, IEEE
- Rakesh Kumar, Past President, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
- Nita Patel, President, IEEE Computer Society
- Metin Akay, Past President, IEEE EMBS
- Fernando Guarin, Past President, IEEE EDS, Smart Cities
- Manuel Delgado-Restituto, President, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and Victor Grimblatt, Circuits and Systems Society, White Paper on Climate Change
Public Safety Technologies and Climate Change (14 September) Moderator: Luis Kun, President, IEEE SSIT Description: The main objectives of this panel include to discuss: how Society can better address the aspects of Emergency Management (Awareness, Preparation, Prevention, Response and Recovery) and secondly how we connect the IEEE Public Safety Technology Initiative with the Climate Change Sustainability Initiative. Over 40 nations are facing food insecurity and forced migration because of either floods or drought and fire. In public health, the threats characteristics are of global threats with local impact and local threats with global impact. These affect health, security, education, economy, everything. Globalization, connectivity and speed are fundamentally crucial to the response. Requirements include fast: detection, fast and effective communication, fast and effective integration and fast and effective action. Panelists include:
- Kamal Al-Haddad, Director, IEEE Division 6
- Martin Llamas Nista, President, IEEE Education Society
- Mariusz Malinowski, President, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- Alan Chong, President, IEEE Professional Communication Society
- Steven (Zhaojun) Li, President, IEEE Reliability Society
- Ravikiran Annaswamy, President, IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
- Wei-Jen Lee, Chair, IEEE Program Director Climate Technologies Sustainability
- Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan, Past Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee 2022
Ethics and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion): A Key to Technological Advancement (15 September) Moderator: Mark A. Vasquez, CAE, Sr. Program Manager, IEEE TechEthics Description: As technology rapidly evolves and new capabilities become widely available, the tech industry must be consciously and consistently aware of the people it stands to leave behind via traditionally inequitable practices and systems. Among other places, these inequities are found in hiring practices, public services (healthcare, education, policing, etc.), and product development life cycles. Ethical design, development and deployment of technology must be rooted in the values of equality, diversity, equity, inclusion and justice so that all members of society can contribute to innovations that will fundamentally change the way in which we live our lives. This IEEE TechEthics panel will address why the adoption of these values must become a professional skill and explore practical steps the technology industry can take to apply this in their practices. Panelists include:
- Floriane Fidegnon, Consultant at BMNT
- Prof. Jacqueline Corbett, Laval University
Professional Development Workshops include:
- IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board Best Practices on Technological Innovation based engagement with Local Communities
- Indigenous Knowledge and Information Technology
- Innovation Strategy Development and Implementation
The Public Interest Technology (PIT) for Innovation in Global Development Workshop will take place on 12 September.
Submitted by Luis Kun
SSIT President and Distinguished Lecturer program coordinator Luis Kun delivered several recent presentations on behalf of SSIT and with support from other IEEE Societies, (i.e., Computers, EDS, Humanitarian Activities Board, EMBS, etc.).
- Invited Panel Speaker: “Humanitarian Technology.” IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC), Puebla, Mexico, 4 July 2023.
- Invited Keynote Speaker: “Pandemics, Migration and Climate Change: the Challenges of Multiple Complex Emergencies." IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC), Puebla, Mexico, 4 July 2023.
- Invited Keynote Speaker / IEEE TAB Climate Change Education Subcommittee: “Climate Change and the Global Citizen Safety and Security." Madras, India, 30 June 2023.
- Post Keynote Address, YouTube Interview (in Spanish): El Dr. Kun brindó "El programa de computación y comunicación de Alto Rendimiento." UTN FRT 2023, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional de Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina, 6 June 2023.
- Invited Keynote Speaker: “Evolution of Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense, Threats and Risks of the 21st Century." UTN FRT 2023, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional de Tucuman. Tucuman, Argentina, 6 June 023.
- Invited Speaker: “Interview by Chanel 8 on Engineers’ Week and the Social Implications of Technology” (in Spanish). UTN FRT 2023, Tucuman, Argentina, published 3 June 2023 (recorded on 31 May).
- Invited Keynote Speaker: “Digital Age: A Holistic Approach to Achieve Citizen Safety and Security.” IEEE TEMS Latin-American Industry Forum 4th Edition 2023, IEEE Technology Engineering Management Society (TEMS), 1 June 2023.
- Invited Speaker: “Social Implications of Technology: Motivational Talk to 300 Pre-University Students.” Lorenzo Massa Technical Institute Tucuman, Argentina, 1 June 2023.
- Invited Speaker: “IEEE SSIT and Collaboration Opportunities for WIE.” IEEE WIE Annual Meeting 2023, Atlanta, Georgia, 5 May 2023.
- Invited Speaker (Session 3: Bioethics I): “Global Citizen Safety & Security in the Digital Divide: Bioethics of Inclusion.” Eleventh International Conference on Ethics in Biology, Engineering & Medicine, Seattle, Washington, 29 April 2023.
- Invited Panelist: “Humanitarian Track on Climate Change.” 2023 IEEE-HKN (Eta Kappa Nu) TechX Conference, 27 April 2023.
All SSIT members are invited to submit brief reports and updates about upcoming and completed presentations and activities you are part of that are relevant to SSIT!
Submitted by Clint Andrews, SSIT Past-President and Nominations Chair
Please note that although this issue of the newsletter is coming out just after the initial posted deadline, nominations for Member-at-Large candidates will be welcome for the next few weeks.
Call for SSIT Board of Governors Members-at-Large Candidates: Nominations due 15 July 2023*
SSIT is seeking candidates for three Board of Governors (BoG) Members-at-Large (2024-2026). All positions are voting members of the SSIT BoG.
BoG Members-at-Large (MaL) make a three-year commitment. MaLs are expected to attend the monthly SSIT one-hour conference calls and to be actively involved in the affairs of the Society. At present, travel expenses are not reimbursed by the SSIT. MaLs may serve two consecutive terms.
Candidates should submit a nomination statement that includes any information relevant to their possible contributions to the Society. The information can include previous experience with respect to conferences, publications, finances, chapters, standards, education, governance, and any relevant experiences of use to SSIT.
The deadline for the nomination to the Board of Directors Member-at-Large is 15 July 2023*. Please submit nominations by email to Clint Andrews, SSIT Nominations Committee Chair at [email protected]. Potential candidates are welcome to contact Clint Andrews with questions in advance of submitting their nomination.
*Nominations for Member-at-Large candidates are still welcome for the next few weeks.
Call for SSIT Board of Governors President-Elect Candidates: Nominations due 30 September 2023 SSIT is seeking candidates for President-Elect (2024); this position is a voting member of the SSIT BoG. The 2024 President-Elect is a five-year commitment:
- One year as President-Elect (2024)
- Two years as President (2025-2026)
- Two years as Past President (2027-2028)
The President-Elect should expect to spend two to four days per month on SSIT-related activities. As the Society President, this time will increase to four to eight days per month. The President leads the monthly BoG conference calls. Additionally, the President attends three two-day Technical Activities Board (TAB) meetings per year, usually held in February, June and November. Travel expenses associated with attendance at the TAB meetings are provided by SSIT.
The deadline for nominations for President-Elect is 30 September 2023. For more information, potential candidates for either position are welcome to contact the SSIT Nominations Committee Chair Clint Andrews at [email protected].
Submitted by Greg Adamson, SSIT Technical Activities Committee Chair
We seek passionate volunteers to contribute to SSIT Technical Activities (SSIT-TA). SSIT-TA coordinates the SSIT Technical Committees. These committees focus on: ethics; universal access to technology; sustainability; socio-technical systems; gender, equity, and social inclusion; and humanitarian technologies. Together the committees support conferences, publications, events, research, and other activities in the SSIT fields of interest. Each of these committees has several volunteers, often global experts in their field. In addition, we have volunteers on the Administrative Committee undertaking tasks such as vice-chair, treasurer, and student activities representative. In all we have at least 30 people directly engaged every month as SSIT-TA volunteers. SSIT-TA is a platform for technology and society activism. If a group of people have an issue which falls within the fields of SSIT that they are passionate about (basically, “technology and society”), then we can help them establish themselves as part of SSIT. We take care of structures, rules, and requirements of IEEE. In return, volunteers get to focus on the issue they are passionate about, and benefit from the Society’s support with navigating rules and requirements. You or someone you know may be passionate about such a topic. Perhaps you already have a group of colleagues who want to start a working group that can develop education, engagement, research, policy, and all of the other steps that can change the way the world thinks about a technology. If so, please get in touch with me at [email protected] and find out whether a Technical Committee could be the right format for you. At present we have six Technical Committees established or in formation, but we have the capacity for twice that number or more. All we need is passionate volunteers. We seek a volunteer to fill the role of Technical Activities Communications Chair. In this role, you will be a member of our Administrative Committee and Executive Committee. You will be key to promoting the outstanding work of the Technical Committees. We will provide training and mentoring as required. The Technical Activities leadership team is collaborative and enthusiastic, a great and diverse group of volunteers. For more information, contact Greg Adamson at [email protected].
Submitted by Katina Michael
We are pleased to announce that an OECD book co-authored by SSIT’s Katina Michael has just been published: Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Science.
“The rapid advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years have led to numerous creative applications in science. Accelerating the productivity of science could be the most economically and socially valuable of all the uses of AI. Utilizing AI to accelerate scientific productivity will support the ability of OECD countries to grow, innovate and meet global challenges, from climate change to new contagions. This publication is aimed at a broad readership, including policy makers, the public, and stakeholders in all areas of science. It is written in non-technical language and gathers the perspectives of prominent researchers and practitioners. The book examines various topics, including the current, emerging, and potential future uses of AI in science, where progress is needed to better serve scientific advancements, and changes in scientific productivity. Additionally, it explores measures to expedite the integration of AI into research in developing countries. A distinctive contribution is the book’s examination of policies for AI in science. Policy makers and actors across research systems can do much to deepen AI’s use in science, magnifying its positive effects, while adapting to the fast-changing implications of AI for research governance.”
The book can be accessed here, and may be downloaded as a PDF or read online in webbook format. Congratulations to Dr. Michael and her co-authors!
Submitted by Katina Michael
Andrew Robinson, inventor of QuestaGame and co-founder of Guardians of Earth, has recently published a short article on AI that may be of interest to SSIT members.
Robinson inquires into questions such as: “Why do we talk as if the Internet has the sum total of human knowledge? That ChatGPT has been trained on all human experience? Where does this idea come from when it’s really just the tiniest fraction of human experience, and when we know we diminish human potential by thinking in this way?”
To read the full article, click here. Andrew can be contacted at [email protected].
June’s Special issue of TSM on “Securitization for Sustainability of People and Place,” is now available. You can find the full issue here.
Information About the Journal IEEE TSM is SSIT’s award-winning flagship publication. It features peer-reviewed and general interest articles that explore and analyze the profound impacts of technology on our world.
Find out more about the publication’s scope, topics, and article submission guidelines here, and visit the IEEE TSM section of the SSIT website to read about current and past issues.
June’s Special Issue of TTS on “Socio-Technical Ecosystem Considerations: An Emergent Research Agenda for AI in Cybersecurity” is now out. To view the special issue, click here.
Information About the Journal The IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December); submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
The editorial team seeks research papers on the interactions among technology, science, and society; on the impact of such interactions on individuals and society; and on the ethical, professional and social responsibility in the practice of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Find out more about the publication’s scope, topics, and article submission guidelines here, and be sure to visit the Transactions section of the SSIT website to read about current and past issues.
For expressions of interest to serve on the editorial board as an ongoing reviewer or associate editor, or for other inquiries please email the founding editor-in-chief at [email protected].
This CFP is for a Special Issue that will be developed in affiliation with the IEEE ISTAS 2023 Conference.
Guest Editors:
- Antoine Harfouche, University Paris Nanterre, France
- Mohammad I. Merhi, Indiana University South Bend, USA
- Abdullah Albizri, Montclair State University, USA
- Denis Dennehy, Swansea University, Wales
- Jason Thatcher, Temple University, USA
Sustainable development builds on the premise that development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global, grand challenges that are inherently complex, multi-faceted and socially embedded (Henriksen et al., 2021). The SDGs inevitably encounter tensions between their design and implementation, representing design-reality gaps (Pradhan et al., 2022; Heeks, 2020a; Dennehy et al., 2014). While optimism is relatively high about the role of technology and analytics in supporting sustainable global development (Smidt & Jokonya, 2022), significant learning remains about how best to use them as ‘platforms that mediate development’ (Heeks, 2020b).
There is increasing awareness and expectation that the academic community has an active role in achieving sustainable development that includes three interconnected elements, namely, economic well-being and social inclusion (Baghdadi, et al. 2020; Johnson et al., 2021), and environmental protection (Dennehy et al., 2021; Dwivedi et al., 2022). Despite the efforts made by scholars to advance the understanding of applying technology and analytics to encourage sustainable development and energy conservation (e.g., Albizri, 2020; Khene & Masiero, 2022; Masiero & Arvidsson, 2021), a concerted effort by academic disciplines, policymakers, practitioners, and the intended beneficiaries of the SDGs is required to discover and create better ways to build an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and planet (Harfouche et al., 2019; Harfouche et al., 2022).
This Special Issue of the journal Information Systems Frontiers brings together contributions from various perspectives, disciplines, and communities to advance knowledge of how to apply technological innovations and data analytics for sustainable development to make the world a better place for all (Walsham, 2012). Some organizations focus on driving business value and keeping ahead of competitors. At the same time, others focus on facilitating societal change by generating both business value and social value. For this reason, organizations are investing more in responsible technological innovations, including responsible AI (Johnson et al., 2021; Merhi, 2022) for an ethical and inclusive digitized society. To further understand how to apply technology innovation and analytics to encourage sustainable social and economic development, we seek interdisciplinary papers that bridge domains including information systems, organizational science, strategic management, and information science.
Important Dates:
- Submission deadline: 30 September 2023
- Notification of first round reviews: 15 December 2023 § Revised Manuscripts due: 15 February 2024
- Notification of second round reviews: 30 April 2024
- Final version due: 30 June 2024
See the full Special Issue CFP for details regarding topics of interest and submission guidelines.
This CFP is for a Special Issue that will be developed in affiliation with the IEEE ISTAS 2023 Conference.
Guest Editors:
- Ransom Bawack, Audencia Business School, France
- Sian Roderick, School of Management, Swansea University, Wales, UK
- Abdalla Badhrus, Muslim Education and Welfare Association (MEWA), Kenya
- Denis Dennehy, Swansea University, Wales
- Jacqueline Corbett, Faculty of Business Administration, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada
This Special Issue of the journal Information Technology for Development aims to stimulate rigorous scientific research on the role of indigenous knowledge in IT for sustainable development. Heading into the critical second half of the SDG 2030 agenda, this Special Issue focuses on how to leverage and integrate indigenous knowledge to increase the contribution of IT solutions to the achievement of the SDGs. It aspires to demonstrate how strengthening the involvement of indigenous peoples, local communities, and their knowledge can influence the impacts of IT-based development strategies that meet the needs of poor and marginalized communities. Thus, we welcome papers that reveal the positive and/or negative aspects of associating indigenous knowledge and IT for sustainable development.
This Special Issue welcomes papers from all disciplines and encourages multidisciplinary that apply quantitative, qualitative, design science or mixed-methods research approaches.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for submission: 15 January 2024
- Notification of initial acceptance: 31 March 2024
- Deadline for revised papers: 30 June 2024
- Notification of final acceptance: 30 September 2024
- Tentative publication date: December 2024
See the full Special Issue CFP for details regarding context, aims, and scope; topics of interest; and submission guidelines.
IEEE ISTAS 2023: Technology and Analytics for Global Development
13-15 September 2023 Swansea University, Swansea, Wales
Note: additional information regarding ISTAS 2023 appears earlier in this newsletter.
The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE’s Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). ISTAS is a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for engineers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, researchers, social scientists, and technologists to collaborate, exchange experiences, and discuss the social implications of technology.
ISTAS23 aims to bring together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and communities for the advancement of knowledge regarding Technology and Analytics for Global Development. Participation is invited from academics and practitioners who are engaged in current debates about the role and significance of technology and analytics, and who are interested in topics related to sustainability, ethics, equity, and social values for global development.
Registration is open! Register by 31 July 2023 for optimal rates.
IEEE ISTAS 2023 is Technical Co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8, IEEE UK and Ireland Section, IEEE UK and Ireland SSIT Chapter and IEEE UK and Ireland Education Chapter.
2023 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
12 - 15 October 2023 Villanova University, USA
IEEE GHTC focuses on advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. This cross-disciplinary annual conference provides the perfect venue for those interested in humanitarian projects to join their peers in October 2023 at Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.
GHTC is an international flagship conference, focused on bringing together people working on the application of technology to address critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world. It is a forum where IEEE works with developers and NGOs to identify the most pressing needs. We encourage participants from academia, for-profit and non-profit businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations to attend and present research, ideas, and other considerations for the creation of effective humanitarian technology. We also invite participants to share case studies and lessons learned from the deployment and application of humanitarian technologies.
For more information, visit: https://ieeeghtc.org/
2023 IEEE International Humanitarian Technologies Conference
1-3 November 2023 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
The IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC) is an interdisciplinary conference series organized by IEEE Region 7 (Canada), IEEE Region 8 (Africa, Europe, and the Middle East), and IEEE Region 9 (Latin America and the Caribbean). IEEE IHTC 2023 will be hosted at Corales de Indias Hotel (Cartagena, Colombia) on 1-3 November.
The conference series focuses on showcasing challenges, success stories, lessons learned, case studies and technological innovation related to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICT4D and the application of Humanitarian Technologies (including Disaster Relief and Disaster Recovery) and facilitating engagement by stakeholders from the public, private, education and research and societal sectors around the world. There is a particular emphasis on facilitating participation and sharing of experiences by key stakeholder groups from low and lower middle-income countries as well as low-resource communities.
IEEE SSIT organizes, co-organizes, and sponsors conferences focused on technology, society and ethics. IEEE SSIT is seeking expressions of interest from SSIT members interested in hosting the following conferences around the world.
IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
IEEE ISTAS is the annual flagship event of the IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). It is organized each year by SSIT in cooperation with SSIT Chapters and IEEE Sections. IEEE ISTAS brings together a broad range of disciplines (e.g., natural and social sciences, policy, ethics and education) to share research and experiences about the implications of technology adoption, adaptation and evolution.
SSIT is looking toward future ISTAS two to four years from now to allow planning and continuity between annual events. We are issuing a call for proposals for volunteers as organizers of ISTAS in 2024 and beyond.
IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century (21CW)
The 21CW conference series addresses the technical, social and personal legacy of the founder of cybernetics, control theory, and information ethics, Norbert Wiener. It has been held in Boston (2014), Melbourne (2016), and as a virtual event hosted from Chennai, India (2021), with satellite activities in India 2014, 2016, 2018.
Expressions of interest are welcome for 2025.
If you are interested in hosting one of these events, please contact SSIT Conferences Chair, Jay Pearlman at [email protected] to request SSIT’s Call for Proposals Guide, which provides:
- Guidance for conference organization and operations
- An overview of expectations for proposal content
- Background on ISTAS conference (including a list of recent events)
- A proposal template
Thank you to the SSIT Members and Chapters who have responded to date to the invitation to contribute content for publication on the SSIT website. We look forward to receiving regular contributions. Please send articles, event notifications and other relevant content including pictures to Miriam Cunningham, SSIT Web Committee Chair.
SSIT Chapters, Distinguished Lecturers and SSIT supported Events are invited to provide Miriam Cunningham with recordings of Guest Lectures and other relevant content linked with SSIT’s Technical areas and field of interest for publication in the SSIT Society Channel on IEEE.tv. Please send a link by email to download the .mp4 file, include SSIT branding in the recording, and ensure that you have written permission from the speaker to publish it.
IEEE SSIT has three major awards, all of which are open for nomination at this time.
The Carl Barus Award for Outstanding Service in the Public Interest is open to anyone, or group, who performs an important public service, possibly at the risk of career or reputation. This includes anyone, whether or not in the engineering profession, or a member of IEEE. Further information on recipients can be found at https://technologyandsociety.org/member-resources/awards-programs/barus-award-recipients/.
The Brian M. O’Connell SSIT Distinguished Service Award is for SSIT volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding service for the benefit of SSIT. More information on this award can be found at
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