This IES Women in Engineering webinar is on 21 June 2023. In this first WiE talk, we consider decision-making over ubiquitous networks under the umbrella of classical Nash’s game theory where each player is assumed to interact with all others and to have complete information.
This special issue solicits high-quality papers illustrating cutting-edge theories, models, and applications of customized manufacturing that are supported by AI and low-code technology.
The IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (T-ICPS) publishes original papers related to a broad range associated with the industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) knowledge domain. Discover the new T-ICPS journal officially launched in February 2023!
We had the chance to meet Milos Manic, a visionary who aims to turn our Society into a more proactive and responsible model. Milos told us about the two most important “head of the family” roles of his life, professionally as our IES President-Elect and personally as a father.
After 2 years of preparation, Prof. Morgan Kiani traveled to Nepal with the IEEE Smart Village and IEEE IES Society’s financial support to help bring reliable electricity to the Shree Batase secondary school, in a village far away from Katmandu or any other major city. Learn this exciting story by clicking “read more"!
This study presents a comprehensive review of various wind-solar hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) from the perspectives of power architectures, mathematical modeling, power electronic converter topologies, and design optimization algorithms.
Software-defined power electronics leverage a hierarchical real-time control framework to form modular, reconfigurable, and partially redundant power converters. This talk focuses on the implementation of the physical layer with optimized Lego-like power electronic converters called autoconverter modules (ACM) and discusses the interconnection and application layers on two example implementations: an EV traction inverter and EV charging equipment.
By Duc Truong Pham (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
The Bees Algorithm is a swarm-based optimization metaheuristic inspired by the foraging behavior of bees. The algorithm is simple to apply and has attracted users from virtually all fields of engineering and science. This presentation will introduce the algorithm and its main variants and some of their electrical engineering applications.
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If you have CFPs, technical articles, awards received by IES members, Chapter activities news, etc., please send it to Fei Gao (EiC of ITeN, [email protected]) for inclusion in the next IES eNewsletter.