Member eNewsletter - October 2022

Stay connected with over 10,000 academics, professionals, and students who are working towards the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electro- and information technologies for the benefit of humanity.


The aim of the special section is to provide a timely opportunity for researchers and engineers to share their latest findings on the development of advanced high frequency MV power electronic systems and control techniques for DER.


Prof. Yang Shi is a multi-awarded professor, passionate for teaching, who particularly values helping students and young researchers grow. And so does he when he handles his role as our VP Conference Activities in IES: he makes sure everyone can learn from individual and collective experiences. Check the full interview to learn more about Prof. Yang Shi!


The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2022) was held virtually in Shanghai, China, from 22 to 25 August 2022. Read more about this flagship event report by Wenbin Dai, Mo-Yuen Chow, Luis Gomes and Valeriy Vyatkin.


Please note that the last date of submission of Full Paper for ONCON 2022 has been extended to 30 October 2022. The 1st Annual Online Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on the advanced theory, concepts, and applications of advanced Industrial Electronic Systems, will be held Online 9-11 December 2022.


Please note the new deadlines for the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2023, held 15-17 March 2023 at Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK:

18 Nov. 2022: Deadline for full paper submission (firm deadline)
12 Jan. 2023: Notification of acceptance
31 Jan. 2023: Deadline for final manuscript submission


The 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems will take place 8-11 May 2023 in Wuhan, China. ICPS 2023 provides a forum to exchange lessons learned from industrial practices, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Digital Economy, the Industrial-Internet-of-Things, etc.


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Daisuke Chungo

Breakthroughs in computer, network, materials, and others change the environment in which humans and machines interact with each other. Our technical committee tries to provide a platform to discuss and carry out studies on the cutting edge of human factors/ergonomics. People are welcome to get involved in our activities and join our technical committee to perform studies and development concerning the relationship between people, theory and technologies, environments, and systems.


This paper provides a unified summary of recent progress in designing open-loop synchronization (OLS) systems. Different OLS systems are combined into several general structures and comprehensive design guidelines are provided. Directions for future research in the area are also provided.


This awarded article proposes a novel object shape error response (OSER) to estimate the dimensional and geometric variations of assembled products and relates these to process parameters, which can be interpreted as root causes of the object shape defects. The proposed method can improve Root Cause Analysis capabilities by 29%.


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This paper presents a general review on the available Single-DC-Source Multilevel Inverter (SDCS-MLI) topologies and future trends. Existing solutions are discussed and analyzed based on their topologies, number of output voltage levels, number of active/passive components, advantages/limitations, maturity, and industrial applications.


Friday 18 November 2022 8:00 PM CST (1:00 PM CET, 7:00AM EST)
By Haoyu Wang (ShanghaiTech University, China)

Datacenter is booming to be the critical infrastructure to support proper functioning of modern societies. This webinar gives a comprehensive overview of the technical trends in datacenter power supply technologies.


Thursday 24 November 2022 at 3:00PM CET (9:00 AM EST)
By Massimiliano Pirani (Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy)

The RMAS (Relational-Model multi-agent system) architecture is proposed as a support for the new challenges that the research and practitioners' community in industrial agents has to face. RMAS aims to harness the challenges of artificial intelligence in industry, whilst grounding them in the rich but rock-solid IEC 61499 standard provisions.

Check previously recorded webinars on IES Resource Center
Loughborough (United Kingdom) | 15-17 March 2023
Contributing authors and editors to this issue:
ITeN editorial board, Wenbin Dai, Michael Ruderman, Jinhua She, Yang Shi, Daisuke Chungo, Sumit Sinha, Saeed Golestan, Mohamed Trabelsi, Leopoldo García Franquelo, Haoyu Wang, Massimiliano Pirani.

Contact us:
The Industrial Electronics Society eNewsletter is managed by ITeN, please visit the latest news of IES at

If you have CFPs, technical articles, awards received by IES members, Chapter activities news, etc., please send it to Fei Gao (EiC of ITeN, [email protected]) for inclusion in the next IES eNewsletter.

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