Member eNewsletter - May 2022

IES Society is soliciting now the Support to Student Branch Chapters Local Activities 2022. The purpose of the IES-SBCLA program is to support technical activities of an IEEE IES Student Branch Chapter with a grant up to US$1,000. Deadline: 31st May 2022.


The Nominations & Appointments Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) is calling for nominations for the following positions in the IES Administrative Committee (AdCom):

  • Three Members-at-Large to be appointed from IES AdCom, due 30 June 2022
  • Five Officers to be appointed by IES AdCom, due 30 June 2022:
    • Vice-President for Workshop Activities
    • Vice-President for Membership Activities
    • Vice-President for Publications
    • Vice-President for Industrial Activities
    • Treasurer

The aim of the special section is to provide a timely opportunity for researchers and engineers to share their latest findings on the development of advanced high frequency MV power electronic systems and control techniques for DER. 


The 8th International Summer School on Industrial Agents: Autonomous Control in Logistics, Production and Energy Applications, organized by the Helmut Schmidt University, Institute for Automation Technology in Hamburg, will take place from 11 to 15 July 2022. Don't wait and register your PhD students now!


ETFA 2022, the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) focusing on the latest developments and new technologies in the field of industrial and factory automation, will take place 6-9 September 2022, at the University of Stuttgart. 


Did you miss a webinar or a conference talk? Find it in IES Resource Center!
Our society members can watch more than 70 videos, from any location, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and free of charge!

Check New Videos on IES YouTube Channel

Anomaly Identification in Industrial CPS,

Cryptography-Based Optimization, and more!
Chengbin Ma

The IEEE-IES Technical Committee (TC) on Resilience and Security for Industrial Applications (ReSIA) focuses on various aspects and technologies to assess and/or increase resilience and security of industrial applications. Applications range from national critical infrastructure such as power/energy and transportation systems, to micro- and nano-grids (e.g., home energy management), to devices such as energy storages, smart sensors, actuators, and controllers. This is a highly interdisciplinary TC and we often collaborate with other IES TCs to promote technical activities and support IES's conferences, journals, events and even contribute to the definition of new standards. You are welcome to join our TC and get involved. 


In this article, a reaction torque observer with an automatic design method of a disturbance compensator is proposed to make robots and machines cooperate better with humans and adapt to external environments. Using an innovative element description method, it enables designs that make use of human knowledge and the computational power of computers, without the need of model design in advance.


In this paper a novel active and reactive power control strategy based on two cascade control loops using a combination of classical PR controller and Model Based Predictive Voltage Control is proposed. 



By Shafigh Nategh (Polestar, Sweden) and Yves Thioliere (Powersys, France) - 15 March 2022

Multi-objective multi-constraint optimization is required for the design of high-performance electrical appliances because of their need to satisfy a multitude of requirements. Optimization issues such as these perform searches within small and complex regions (design spaces that satisfy all constraints). Multipoint searches such as genetic algorithms (GA) are useful as search methods, but there exists the issue of calculation amounts increasing significantly in size. Pre-processing occurs in the form of narrowing down the design spaces as so to reduce these calculation amounts. However, depending on the way in which this narrowing down takes place, there exists the importance of factors such as experiences, making personal judgements, or risk of those narrowing-down processes not being carried out correctly.

Check previously recorded webinars on IES Resource Center
Loughborough (United Kingdom) | 15-17 March 2023
Contributing authors and editors to this issue:
ITeN editorial board, William Dai, Terry Martin, Felix Gehlhoff, Paolo Leitao, Chengbin Ma, Seiichiro Katsura, Sergio Ramon Toledo Gallardo, Correntin Jouvet, Shafigh Nategh, Yves Thioliere.

Contact us:
The Industrial Electronics Society eNewsletter is managed by ITeN, please visit the latest news of IES at

If you have CFPs, technical articles, awards received by IES members, Chapter activities news, etc., please send it to Fei Gao (EiC of ITeN, [email protected]) for inclusion in the next IES eNewsletter.

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