The IEEE Education Society (EdSoc) Newsletter aims to provide members with relevant time sensitive announcements and news.
July is always an exciting time for me because I spend a month working with pre-university students. My university offers four residential summer camps for teenagers entering their sophomore, junior, or senior years of high school. The four camps offer students varying degrees of engineering exploration through scaffolded learning experiences in ten different engineering fields. Three of the camps are co-educational weeks and one is specifically focused on women. The curiosity about engineering is evident in these young men and women. Yet, as we know, the educational pipeline into engineering as a profession still lags demand in many parts of the world. I work with the high school students so that I can answer their questions, mentor them on career choice, and show them the excitement I have for my field of engineering. I know many of you do the same at your universities, or perhaps through extra-curricular activities like First Robotics, Smart Cities, Rube Goldberg, Scouting, or similar programs in your country.... Continue Reading
The Nominations Committee opened a seven-week call for nominations period in April of this year for candidates for four member-at-large positions on the Board of Governors as well as candidates for Vice President of Conferences, Vice President of Publications, and Secretary.
The committee processed the nominations and created the slate for Society member-at-large elections. You will receive email from IEEE and the Society on 25 July 2019 announcing the start of elections. Please mark your calendars and remember to monitor not only your inbox, but also your spam filters so that you don’t miss your chance to vote in this important election. Candidates for the Members-at-Large of the Board of Governors are:
- Anthony Maciejewski (USA)
- Jill K. Nelson (USA)
- Mark Lee (Australia)
- Prasad Enjeti (USA)
- Prashant Nair (India)
- Rebecca Strachan (United Kingdom)
- Rob Reilly (USA)
- Sorel Reisman (USA)
The committee also processed the nominations for the officer positions and prepared a slate for the Board of Governors. The Board will elect officers in executive session during the Annual Meeting in October. Candidates for the officer positions are:
- Henrique Santos (Portugal)
- Sasha Nikolic (Australia)
VP Publications
- Arnold Pears (Sweden)
- Jun Shen (Australia)
IEEE Frontiers in Education (ASEE/IEEE FIE) Conference ASEE/IEEE FIE 2019 will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA from 16-19 October 2019. The paper submission deadlines for this conference have passed, but registration is still open. The early-registration deadline for the conference is 18 September 2019. Attendees may register online through the ASEE/IEEE FIE 2019 website. |
IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS) 2019
IEEE LWMOOCS 2019 will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA on 23-35 October 2019. Massively open on-line courses are learning platforms delivering high-quality content to hundreds or thousands of simultaneous users. LWMOOCS 2019 provides academic and industry professionals the opportunity to discuss research into MOOC technologies as well as the practical aspects of creating and offering MOOCs to diverse worldwide audiences. Details, including a Call for Papers are available on the LWMOOCS 2019 website.
Please contact the Technical Program Chairs to inquire about Late Paper submission.
IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) 2019
IEEE TALE 2019 will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in December 2019. Interested authors and attendees are encouraged to refer to the TALE 2019 website for details. The target audience of the conference is diverse and includes those working in higher education, Vocational Education and Training (VET), K-12, corporate, government, military, and healthcare sectors. The theme of the TALE 2019 is "Creative & Innovative Education to Enhance the Quality of Life". View Call for Paper details on the TALE 2019 website.
IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE) 2020
IEEE EDUNINE 2020 will take place 15-18 March 2020 in Bogotá, Colombia.
Visit the EDUNINE website for details on conference organization and author details.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2020
IEEE EDUCON 2020 will be organized by the University of Coimbra, University of Porto and Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal. The event will be held on the Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering, April 28-30th, 2020. Several pre-conference workshops will be held on 27 April, 2020. EDUCON 2020 will be focused on "Engineering Education for the Future in a Multicultural and Smart World."
The IEEE Standards Association officially published the standard 1876-2019 on Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories on 30 May 2019. During the standardization process, more than 40 members from all 10 IEEE Regions contributed significantly to the standardization process. You may find the list of the working group members here.
During the period (2011-2019), the dynamic process of the standardization of online laboratories involving stakeholders such as teachers, researchers and industrial partners has enabled the establishment of a fertile ground for participatory action research from which graduate students have been able to accelerate their work and defend brilliantly their Ph.D. thesis in the fields related to distributed embedded systems, and those of e-learning environments.
A list of graduated working group members was highlighted online here.
The IEEE Standards Association Board recognized the merits and efforts of the contributors including industrial partners by awarding each member a certificate. The list of awardees can be found here.
Some industry partners took part of our IEEE standard 1876-2019 development process providing guidance, this helped to validate our use cases and participating in our workshops.
On 16 June 2019, Mrs. Suzana Fabusova from Quanser™ received her certificate awarded by the IEEE Standards Association from Dr. Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, Chair of IEEE Education Society Standards Committee. This ceremony took place in parallel to a reception organized by the International Federation of Engineering Education Society (IFEES) at the 126th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE 2019) in Tampa, Florida, USA.
(L-R) Dr. Tom Lee, Mrs. Suzana Fabusova, Dr. Maria Larrodo-Petrie, Dr. Hamadou Saliah-Hassane and Dr. Luis Felipe Zapata-Rivera
Upcoming steps include the dissemination and production of more use cases that show the benefits of the adoption of this new standard, and the required maintenance of any standard.
Dear Colleagues,
As Vice President for Publications of our Society it is my pleasure to work with you all to make the transition to a world of publication where many funding agencies are prioritizing open access publication of scientific results. Our Society has three journals which provide our members with the opportunity to publicize and disseminate their research findings, inventions and insights.... Continue Reading
The IEEE Education Society provides professional development resources for conferences, workshops, events, and meetings that are organized by chapters and members of the Society.
The resources include a database of experts within the Education Society who are available to travel for presentations. The listing includes the CV and potential presentation topics for those listed. Also, the Society supports the travel expenses of selected presentations up to US$1000. A Society committee reviews applications for such Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) support with regard to impact and availability of budgeted funds and offers travel support periodically during each year.
The process to apply for DLP funds is shown below:
- Review the DLP expert listing and contact speakers for availability
- Submit the online request for DLP support specifying the speaker, the level of travel support, the venue of the event(s), etc
Requests should be made early as the review committee may only meeting quarterly and available funds are limited. The support by the Education Society must be noted and the presentation content, media, and photographs are needed along with follow-up report. The documentation of past events are available at the IEEE Education website.
Members of the Education Society with an interest in the Distinguished Lecturer Program may submit an online application to be included on the DLP experts list. The DLP committee selects experts for the listing and reviews the listing periodically for topics, activity, and availability.
For questions on the Distinguished Lecturer Program please contact Steve E. Watkins,([email protected]) Vice-President for Educational Activities and Awards.
Participate in the IEEE EdSoc Blockchain Survey
As IEEE Education Society members, many of you research or work in learning technologies as well as general tools to improve education. IEEE is asking me if any of you work within, teach within, or are interested in the application of blockchain within education. If blockchain in education is one of your interest areas or technical profile areas, the IEEE EdSoc would appreciate if you would complete the form found here. Please include a short paragraph about your blockchain work in the summary box on the form.
June 2019 Meeting
The IEEE Education Society held their June Board of Governors and Strategic Planning Committee Meetings this past June in conjunction with the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE 2019) Annual Conference in Tampa, FL, USA. Minutes from the Board of Governors meeting can be found on the IEEE EdSoc website here.
October 2019 Meeting
The Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE Education Society state that the Society Board of Governors must hold a minimum of two meetings each year, including one face-to-face meeting known as the Annual Meeting. Board meetings are open to all Society members as well as interested members of the broader community if the Board is not meeting in Executive Session.
Be it known then by members of the IEEE Education Society that the Board of Governors Annual Meeting will be held during the month of October 2019 at the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. During the meeting, Board members and guests will review reports from the officers, review the status of the Society strategic and operational plans, process action items from the action agenda, and enter an executive session to complete officer elections for the 2020 business year. The meeting will be held on Friday, 18 October 2019.
IEEE Education Society Publications
The IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT) covers research on such topics as Innovative online learning systems, Intelligent tutors, Educational software applications and games, and Simulation systems for education and training.
The IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE) publishes significant and original scholarly contributions to education in electrical and electronics engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and other fields within the scope of interest of IEEE.
The IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Technologies (IEEE-RITA) focuses on technological applications and research in Education.
Current Publication Issues
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View the EdSoc News & Notes website for news and updates from your Education Society Chapters.