Required IEEE communication containing sensitive information based on your IEEE position.
Dear Chapter Officer,

We hope that you have already held your first meeting and successfully reported it.

We also hope that you have benefited from the information in our previous emails and that you were able to successfully complete the action items. Please contact us if you face any problems with your officer or meeting reporting, with CLE training, or with accessing the volunteer tools.

In this last email, we would like to encourage you to engage with Industry, as Industry Engagement is a sign of a healthy Chapter. In addition, we would like to direct your attention once again to the following valuable resources for running a successful Chapter:
  • The bi-monthly Chapter Briefs newsletter provides information and resources to Chapter members and volunteers.
  • The Chapter Resources page containing comprehensive resources, information, and guidance to Chapter officers regarding all Chapter matters.
Finally, did you know that you can make use of the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program to have access to individuals who are well known educators and authors in their fields? You can also reach out to Chapters near you to share Distinguished Lecturers or to coordinate events and activities!
We hope you find these resources useful in your efforts to serve your Chapter and its members. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact: [email protected].

Wishing you all the best,

Costas Stasopoulos
MGA Vice-Chair, Geographic Unit Operations
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For additional Chapter Volunteer Resources such as: 
Information / Training

  • Required Reporting
  • Request Web Hosting
  • Chapter Funding and other information
  • Industry Engagement
  • Leadership Orientation
  • Distinguished Lecturer Programs
  • Membership database (OU Analytics)

Volunteer Recognition

  • Recognition Products
  • How to request a letter to your employer

Referenced Resources
Ø Help: [Contact Us | Training | Tools | Resources | COVID-19 Hub]
Ø Communication: [Remote Meetings | eNotice]
Ø MGA: [Operations Manual | News | Renew | Form New OU | Discounts]
Ø Regions: [USA: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Canada: 7 | Africa, Europe, Middle East: 8 | Latin America: 9 | Asia & Pacific: 10]

Ø IEEE – World’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology
Ø IEEE Organization Roster –Useful contacts
Ø OU – Organizational Unit (e.g., Region, Section, Chapter, Student Branch, Affinity Group)
Ø MGA – Member and Geographic Activities (Major OU Board of IEEE)
Ø TAB – Technical Activities Board (to which Chapters belong)
Ø CLE – Center for Leadership Excellence (Officer, leadership, and career development training)
Ø VoLT – Volunteer Leadership Training Program
Ø IEEE’s birthday is January 1 (1963, when IRE and AIEE merged)