Required IEEE communication containing sensitive information based on your IEEE position.
Dear Chapter Officer,

Congratulations on your election!

On behalf of the Member and Geographic Activities Board and the Technical Activities Board, I would like to recognize and express our appreciation to you for the commitment of your valuable time and skills to serve the members of IEEE. This position is both an opportunity for you to expand your leadership skills and your network, and a responsibility to the local members of IEEE. You will be receiving a series of five emails over the next several weeks, starting with this one, with helpful information and links to resources to support you in this position.
We kindly ask you to update your officers’ data in IEEE’s vTools Officer Reporting, so that your officers can receive all relevant communication and information. Links to all referenced resources are included at the end of each email, with additional information about those links.
Did you know that you can reach out to your Chapter Coordinators to get in touch with your Society? The coordinators are one of your contacts if you have questions or need support. Through Societies, you can also request funding for your activities. If your Society does not have information included at that website, reach out to your Chapter Coordinator!
Be watching for the next emails, which will provide even more helpful information!

Happy volunteering!

Costas Stasopoulos
MGA Vice-Chair, Geographic Unit Operations
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For additional Chapter Volunteer Resources such as: 
Information / Training

  • Required Reporting
  • Request Web Hosting
  • Chapter Funding and other information
  • Industry Engagement
  • Leadership Orientation
  • Distinguished Lecturer Programs
  • Membership database (OU Analytics)

Volunteer Recognition

  • Recognition Products
  • How to request a letter to your employer

Referenced Resources
Ø Help: [Contact Us | Training | Tools | Resources | COVID-19 Hub]
Ø Communication: [Remote Meetings | eNotice]
Ø MGA: [Operations Manual | News | Renew | Form New OU | Discounts]
Ø Regions: [USA: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Canada: 7 | Africa, Europe, Middle East: 8 | Latin America: 9 | Asia & Pacific: 10]

Ø IEEE – World’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology
Ø IEEE Organization Roster –Useful contacts
Ø OU – Organizational Unit (e.g., Region, Section, Chapter, Student Branch, Affinity Group)
Ø MGA – Member and Geographic Activities (Major OU Board of IEEE)
Ø TAB – Technical Activities Board (to which Chapters belong)
Ø CLE – Center for Leadership Excellence (Officer, leadership, and career development training)
Ø VoLT – Volunteer Leadership Training Program
Ø IEEE’s birthday is January 1 (1963, when IRE and AIEE merged)