
IEEE Membership unlocks access to a variety of resources and benefits

The world of IEEE is vast and unparalleled in the resources it offers to its members. Through IEEE, you can connect with members who share your vision and commitment to moving technology forward.

With more than 90 member benefits, including access to highly-cited publications, virtual events, technology standards, members-only discounts, and professional and educational activities, IEEE offers the resources and opportunities that make our members successful leaders in their fields.

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IEEE Membership unlocks access to a variety of resources and benefits

The world of IEEE is vast and unparalleled in the resources it offers to its members. 

Through IEEE, you can find colleagues who share your vision and commitment-those who are moving technology forward today.

Explore the categories of benefits available to IEEE Membership below.


  • Stay Technically Current

    Technology professionals and engineers will always be continually challenged to keep abreast of new and changing technology. IEEE has the means for you to remain technically current through award-winning publications, technical Societies and discounts on conferences.
  • Build a Professional Network

    Sharing ideas and information with others who share similar technical interests is vital to career success. Various professional networking tools at IEEE can help make these connections.
  • Stay Ahead in Your Career

    Through its job placement opportunities for technical positions worldwide, IEEE promotes career progression among engineers and technical professionals from a variety of disciplines.
IEEE Members Find Incredible Value in Their Membership

"IEEE helps me to keep abreast of technology trends during the COVID-19 pandemics. Its conferences, webinars and Societies' publications have proved, as always, to be veritable gold mines where I dig out new information to update my skills and technical interests and stay focused technologically."

-Dr. Edwin Umoh, IEEE Senior Member

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  • Save on Your Future

    IEEE members enjoy reduced rates on many proprietary products and services including IEEE books and eBooks, journals and articles, conferences and proceedings, standards, Society memberships, and continuing education courses. 
  • Get Involved Locally

    Through its job placement opportunities for technical positions worldwide, IEEE promotes career progression among engineers and technical professionals from a variety of disciplines.
  • Contribute to the Community

    Volunteering is a rewarding way to develop interpersonal skills, create new professional relationships, and apply your expertise to help others.